8th of March social solidarity special.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Maggiore continues its support for IncontraDonna, the not-for-profit association for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and psycho-physical recovery of women affected by breast cancer. Maggiore's recent participation in the Freccia Rosa project, of which it was one of the main sponsors in partnership with Trenitalia, is followed by the new "8th of March Special" marking International Women's Day, on which Maggiore donates 1 Euro for every car rented for private use, as further support in favour of those who, like IncontraDonna, consider social solidarity the primary objective in their lives. "Our company is particularly proud to give its support to an important social initiative, not only to help the cause but also to help disseminate the concept of prevention, which is the basis of scientific research in its broadest sense" said Vittorio Maggiore, CEO of the Group".